Monday, October 9, 2017

Here We Go Again

I guess this says it all. We've got other repertoire in the works, but we can't put it all on one program. (We learned a lesson from our marathons last season.)

If you try to get a computer translation of Soirs etrangers, you will come up with some amusing ones, depending on the service you try. Whatever the title, it's a group of five character pieces about foreign places. One is the Canadian Steppe. Who knew?

The Part piece is the most difficult incredibly easy piece I've ever encountered. Like Mozart, not hard to play, but incredibly challenging to play well. Its title means something like Mirror in the Mirror. It's the last piece he wrote before leaving his homeland. Reflective. (See what I did there?)

Piazzolla - yes, I spelled it wrong in the graphic! - was all the rage thirty years ago. One of the things for which he is noted is that he made the tango into a concert kind of piece. This piece is dedicated to the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich. I saw him play it once, and was shocked to find that he played something different than the published version of the last pages. I never did find out what it was he played. We will play it as it's published.

We hope to see you at the end of the month. More soon.